Senior Business Lead Human Resources (SAP implementation)

at Fluence
Published October 25, 2023
Location San Francisco, CA
Category Default  
Job Type Full-time  


About Fluence: Fluence Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FLNC) is a global market leader in energy storage products and services, and optimization software for renewables and storage. With a presence in over 47 markets globally, Fluence provides an ecosystem of offerings to drive the clean energy transition, including modular, scalable energy storage products, comprehensive service offerings, and the Fluence IQ Platform, which delivers AI-enabled SaaS products for managing and optimizing renewables and storage from any provider. Fluence is transforming the way we power our world by helping customers create more resilient and sustainable electric grids.

For more information, visit our website, or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. To stay up to date on the latest industry insights, sign up for Fluence's Full Potential Blog.


We are guided by our passion to transform the way we power our world. Achieving our goals requires creativity, diversity of ideas and backgrounds, and building trust to effect change and move with speed.

We are Leading

Fluence currently has thousands of MW of energy storage projects operated or awarded worldwide in addition to the thousands of MW of projects managed by our trading platform-and we are growing every day.

We are Responsible

Fluence is defined by its unwavering commitment to safety, quality, and integrity.

We are Agile

We achieve our goals and meet our customer's needs by cultivating curiosity, adaptability, and self-reflection in our teams.

We are Fun

We value the diversity in thought and experience of our coworkers and customers. Through honest, forthcoming, and respectful communications we work to ensure that Fluence is an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

Fluence is embarking on a digital transformation journey to enable the company's mission to create a sustainable, clean-energy future for future generations. Global ERP implementation will be at the core of the transformation and will be a strategic companywide initiative.

We are looking for talented and passionate individuals to join our digital transformation team. As a member of the digital transformation team, you will be responsible for working with stakeholders across the company to design and implement the SAP S4 HANA platform. This is a challenging but rewarding opportunity for individuals passionate about technology and sustainability. This is a unique opportunity to join a team that is at the forefront of the energy revolution. You will have the chance to work on cutting-edge technology, collaborate with talented people from all over the world, and make a real difference in the fight against climate change.

If you are interested in a challenging and rewarding career, we encourage you to apply.


Location: Hybrid in San Francisco, CA

The Human Resources Director (HRD) will partner and coach business leaders in influencing and executing organizational effectiveness and talent management priorities aligning to the overall talent strategy and Human Resources programs across the Fluence organization.

This role will have primary responsibility for partnering and leading IT/SAP projects as a senior HRBP and project leader. This role will have a focus on supporting IT and SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) project teams within the organization. This role involves a combination of HR expertise and strategic partnership with the IT and SAP departments.

Here are some of the key responsibilities and qualifications for this role:

This role will be the driver and influencer for talent and people strategies within the businesses and functions, ensuring linkage and support of business performance.

This role serves as a strategic and operational leader who oversees all HR functions with a focus on talent readiness and building organization effectiveness. In this role you will collaborate as a strategic partner to drive forward the goals of Fluence and will partner closely with many stakeholders including CoE's, regional partners, and cross- functional business leaders to ensure key connections, collaborations, and insights are leveraged, for the delivery of our business objectives.

This role is responsible for forming strong business partnerships to support a scaling/growth organization; ensuring the leadership, talent capabilities and clarity required are in place for the successful execution of our strategy; Act as an advocate of change and lead from the front to ensure new ways of working are successful modeling the desired values and leadership behaviors.

You will use your knowledge of various HR functions and disciplines including talent acquisition, total rewards, learning and development, DEI, talent management, organizational effectiveness, and employee relations to provide tactical and strategic HR support to supporting business leaders.


•Strategic HR Planning: Collaborate with IT and SAP project leaders to align HR strategies with project goals and objectives.

•Talent Acquisition: Oversee recruitment efforts for IT and SAP roles, ensuring the right talent is onboarded to support project needs. Partner closely with the talent acquisition team on recruiting strategy, employer brand and interview process, evaluating and pivoting as necessary to support hiring goals.

•Collaborate with hiring managers to ensure staffing needs are met efficiently and effectively.

•Performance Management: Develop and implement performance management programs tailored to the unique demands of IT and SAP projects.

•Workforce Development: Identify skills gaps and create training and development programs to enhance the capabilities of IT and SAP project teams.

•Change Management: Assist in managing organizational change, especially related to technology implementations or process improvements.

•Employee Relations: Address HR-related concerns within the IT and SAP departments, ensuring a positive work environment and effective conflict resolution.

•Compliance: Ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations, including maintaining employee handbooks and policies.

•Data Analysis: Use HR analytics to track and report on key HR metrics relevant to IT and SAP projects, such as employee productivity and retention.

•Strategic Partnerships: Build strong relationships with IT and SAP project leaders, acting as a trusted advisor on HR matters.

•Stay informed about industry trends and best practices to ensure the organization remains competitive in talent management.

•Collaborate with senior leadership to develop and execute HR strategies that support the growth and success of the client group and achievement of business goals.

•Design and own talent management within business unit, which will include partnering with senior leadership on career ladders, compensation and leveling, and organizational planning and design.

•Drive Center of Excellence programs to the business unit, such as succession planning, biannual review process, development opportunities and broader culture initiatives.

•Lead various initiatives to support employee engagement and retention, such as onboarding, employee surveys, exit interviews and team building.

•Monitor and analyze attrition, engagement, and other key HR and recruitment metrics to effectively make recommendations to senior leadership.

What does the ideal candidate bring to Fluence?

    • Bachelor's degree and minimum of 10 years of Human Resources experience; Experience in supporting global and technical environments preferred.
    • Holistic GLOBAL HR process experience who can work with technology partner on implementing SAP.
    • HR Expertise: Extensive experience in HR, including a background in HRBP roles or HR leadership positions.
    • IT/SAP Knowledge: Familiarity with IT and SAP project environments/integration, including an understanding of technology roles and skillsets.
    • Problem-Solving: The ability to identify and solve complex HR issues within IT and SAP projects.
    • Demonstrated experience in talent management, performance management, and organizational development.
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
    • Change Management Skills: Proven ability to facilitate and manage change within organizations, particularly in the context of technology-driven projects.
    • Strategic Thinking: Strong strategic planning skills to align HR initiatives with project goals and the organization's overall strategy.
    • Elevated level of comfort collaborating and influencing senior leaders. Ensuring client satisfaction regarding projects and/or process goals and objectives and strategic initiatives.
    • Proven track record of successfully partnering with senior leadership to drive HR strategies.
    • Ability to work independently and has a high sense of personal accountability.
    • Strong business and HR acumen, including strong problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and analysis.

$176,000 - $216,000 a year

Here are some of the benefits of joining our digital transformation team:

Competitive salary and benefits package

Collaborative and supportive work environment

Opportunities for professional development and growth

Chance to make a real difference in the world

Fluence IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and fully subscribes to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity to ensure that all applicants and employees are considered for hire, promotion, and job status without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital or familial status.